Good Evening Friends,

If you're a regular 'round these parts, then no doubt you've heard that my first paid article was published on Monday morning--A Topless Robot Daily List. If you're new, then take a gander.

But what most of you probably don't know is this: The list published on TR was first featured, in a slightly different form, right here on SOHB!

It was a more innocent time, before the Superfriends, before The Meditation Chamber or Scooter's Divas or My Happy Place. Back when nobody wrote for this blog but me(and rarely at that), and there was this absolutely hideous lighthouse motif in the blog's background. It was the tackiest thing you ever laid eyes on, but I had no choice, it was part of the only template available at the time that could hold all my pics and gadgets and widgets.

TR had just done consecutive pieces on G4's coverage of the Slave Leia Car Wash. (wait--I said consecutive, didn't I?) This was the start of many a spirited conversation about Slave Leia, how hot she was, how irritatingly ubiquitous she was becoming, and how 99.9% of the models and actresses who wore her trademark ensemble were so not real nerds.

In the midst of this it occurred to me that perhaps there was some equally titillating nerd fetish attire out there that deserved to have its praises sung. Thus I composed a blog article entitled THE TEN MOST ICONIC GEEK FETISH OUTFITS THAT AREN'T SLAVE LEIA(yes, even in title writing I can be long-winded and histrionic).

What I wrote back then doesn't bear the vaguest resemblance to the list I'd eventually sell to Topless Robot. For one thing, in my hubris I thought I'd do TR one better with my list by making it interactive: The first five entries were chosen by me, the second five were to be selected by my "readers".

I think by now you've probably figured out the flaw in my master plan: Putting a list together with the help of reader input is much easier when one has readers. Not to say that SOHB is anything that impressive now, but compared to what it was five months ago I'd call it a resounding success.

I can't help chuckling to myself when I think about the ego it took to post a list like that. Consider this: Currently 14 people are signed up through Google FriendConnect as followers of this blog. At the time I posted the list, I had a grand total of 3: One was my Dad, The second was my friend John(the guy who convinced me to start a blog back when I thought blogging was the most senseless waste of time the Internet had to offer--everyday I curse, er...thank him for his sage advice)

And the third? ME.

So after a few days of exactly zero comments, I swallowed my pride, took down the list, and posted what amounted to an apology for my presumptuousness. But I included a note of hope: I promised that if SOHB ever became sufficiently popular I'd revive the list.

Well, not only was the list revived--it came back with a vengeance!

Instead of being a mere post on a simple amateur blog--a national media outlet purchased it for use on a well-known  website!

I'd call that a fuckin'-A WIN!

Right, that's enough with the self-congratulation--I've got a surprise for you folks, my beloved loyal readers.

One of the few issues I had with TR's editing of my work was some of the pictures chosen. Particularly the pic of Catwoman, which as my selection for number one should have been accompanied by the best pic of the list. This was the pic used:

Now, don't get me wrong--she's all manner of hot. It's that look on her face. She's obviously not aware she's being photographed, or if she is, then I'm guessing she just had some bad clams or got a jury duty notice or something.

Were she posing, I have no doubt she'd melt the lens of any camera pointed at her, they just caught her at an unfortunate moment.

So, I thought I 'd provide my own mini-gallery of the hottest Catwoman cosplayers I've been able to unearth. Enjoy, and thanks for your support!

P.S. I must give a serious shout-out to my friend John, who pushed me into beginning this insane enterprise. All of this, everything I've achieved with this blog and with my writing, has only occurred because John wouldn't take "No, that's a stupid idea" for an answer. He's also the only reader to contribute to the list: He suggested Leeloo.

Superfriends, this is the man who built the Hall of Justice.

Thanks, John--I love you, man.

Oops--the pic that was originally in this spot turned out to be of a maquette. To anyone who, due to my oversight, masturbated to a picture of a plastic woman--God, I'm so sorry. Here's a shot of a 100% real human cosplayer--I SWEAR! 

I really like this one--very Newmar-esque figure


Maskless, yes--But I'm not bringing it up, I wouldn't want to see her angry(or would I?)

This is my fave. I think its going up on the sidebar--it's genius!

There aren't enough cosplayers who sport the TV show ensemble. This is one of the best.

Oh, completely unrelated tragic news: David Hasselhoff has been eliminated in the first round of Dancing With The Stars!


What kind of God would allow the Almighty Hoff to be shitcanned while the likes of Bristol Palin and The mother-humpin' Situation continue to darken the dance floor?

'Course, I don't actually watch the show. I have no idea how good or bad Mr. Hasselhoff's footwork honestly was. I just know that a decrease in the overall amount of Hoff in the universe is never a good thing.

(dramatic sigh)

The Man They Call "Scoot"


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