Brocade Home is back! Yippee! This favorite site of mine has been undergoing a redo of their website & I have been missing them so! Well, friends, they are back & they look great. I enjoyed looking through some of the old faves and a couple of new faves! Enjoy! All images are from Brocade Home

I can think of a lot of places to put this little gem. PS, I love the flowers & a drink doesn't sound half bad right now!
I could sleep here for days! I love this headboard but do think I would hate dusting it!
I'm a sucker for a chandelier so if I can find new places to put one, I'll do it! Like Marilyn said in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes "I just love finding new places to wear diamonds" I feel the same way!
I am losing my mind over this wallpaper and thinking, hmmm...does my toilette need to be redone?So simple, so pretty.
I love mixing the old with the new, this would work well in my office/study. This would work well anywhere!

If you have not checked out their design blog, I really recommend it, it is fantastic!
Well, I am so happy to report were back in business on the Brocade front! Enjoy!
Have a delightful weekend :)
Bisou Mon Amis!


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