I am incensed. I am enraged. Until a few short days ago I was not entirely sure whether or not I -- Doctor Polaris -- had been replaced. But Blue Beetle #32 has revealed a shameful truth: I have been replaced... By an M. B. A.

It was shameful to discover that one with no medical degree -- nor PhD -- has deigned to christen himself "Doctor Polaris." Know this John Nichol. I may be insane, but never have I been weak. Perhaps I did not spend my time at the "frat" performing "keg-stands" with the other "business" majors. I was too busy earning my M. D. and learning the awesome secrets of magnetism!

Where would you be, Mister Polaris, had you not purchased my best-selling The Law of Attraction or attended my award-winning seminar Health Via Magnetism? You would still be nothing. A pathetic boardroom lackey sniveling to his corporate bosses.

I am no kindred spirit of yours! I am your better in every way. One does not pursue magnetism for profit. One does not engage in crime to make money. Super-villainy is about far, far more than simply taking people's money and hitting Hal Jordan over the head. It is about panache. It is about style.

And from what I've seen of your beard, you are sorely lacking it that.


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