Well, I spent the weekend up in Madison, Wisconsin at my college roommate's wedding. I enjoyed myself, but boy is it awkward to be the only single person in a room full of the married, the engaged, and the attached...

Anyway, COMICS! I'm sure everyone knows by now about the upcoming "New Krypton" story arc that's going to be running through the Superman books. Is anyone else not looking forward to it as much as I'm not looking forward to it?

See, I've always liked the whole "Last Son of Krypton" thing. I can abide a Supergirl and I'll admit that Krypto has really grown on me (being back in America and having a dog again has been good for me). But really, I hate all the other Kryptonians. As I've said before, they're alternately arrogant bumblers and the "Assholes of Space." So you can imagine that I'm not too pleased about a whole city of those jerks showing up.

But then, I know as well as anyone that it surely won't last beyond the nine (does it have to be nine?) part story that they're kicking off soon. Chances are before it's all over Kandor will be back in a bottle and safely in the Fortress of Solitude. But I have another idea.

I've made no secret my fondness for a lot of the horrible, horrible characters and concepts that arrived at DC in the 1990's. I'm talking about Azrael, Bane, and yes, Doomsday. So, my dream ending to "New Krypton"? Doomsday wrecking up and killing like half of Kandor. How great would that be?


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