I've been tagged by Melanie from Le Petit Cabinet de Curiosites

The rules are :
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
4. Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
5. Go to each person's blog and leave them a comment so they know they've been tagged

What can I tell you...Oooh, this is tough...

1~ I have a little dog named Daisy & she is my sunshine! I treat her like my own child & my husband gets jealous!
2~ I have an outrageous number of shoes! The higher the better! I love a beautiful shoe.
3~ I do not cook well, I'm so embarrassed but I am an awful cook, I will do ANYTHING to get out of it.
4~ I am an avid reader, I'll read anything, anywhere.
5~ I am new to blogging & I so desperately want to have a beautiful site like so many others I have been reading, the amount of beauty & people who appreciate it and are so eager to share is incredible! I am so excited.
6~ My Mom taught to love all things French, she was an interior designer & my best friend in the entire world, every blog I post reminds me of her.

NOW I Give a tag to .........let me think about it. I am so new that I have not many friends out there, here's hoping to make some new friends...
~To Ness at Marley & Lockyer because she is Fabulous & one of my absolute faves!

~To Fifi at Fifi Flowers Design Decor because I am HUGE fan of hers

~To Terri at Wind Lost because she has inspired me so! Not only in beauty but in living ones life in such a positive way.

~To Alys at Paris Couture Antiques because she has the most beautiful finds in her boutique and because it was her blog that the first I ever read & started this new journey for me! Thanks Alys!

~To Stacey Steimle at Stacey Steimle ~ Junk Princess because her photos inspire me & I get to go to the lovely places she writes about because I live so close!

~To Stacy at La Boudoir because I happened upon her site and was enchanted
Bisou Mon Amis!


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