January solicitations are up! Looks like it'll be an interesting month. The last issue of Final Crisis finally hits, but more importantly it's DC's "Faces of Evil" month. Lots of villains running around there. These are the key ones for me:

Prometheus: I wrote long ago about Prometheus -- a guy who beat up the JLA -- somehow got turned into "Hush's dancing monkey." Here's hoping he gets back his stride.

Hush: Speaking of that one note villain... How amazing is Paul Dini? He somehow managed to make Jeph Loeb's trainwreck of a character into a deep, interesting villain. If I knew how he did it I'd be richer than Santa Claus.

Kobra: Hey, that reminds me... Did Checkmate get canceled or what? I don't remember it being canceled, but it must've been. How very odd.

Parasite: Looks like Geoff Johns his taking his villain upscaling from Flash and Green Lantern rogues to Superman villains. I'll buy that.


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