Well, my weekend sucked. But I'm not going to talk about that. Instead, I'm going to talk about Supergirl!

I've never liked this new/old Supergirl. I was a big fan of Linda Danvers, but I understood the desire to bring the Supergirl character back to her roots. But I never felt like they did that. Even with all the successive writers, constantly cycling in and out. They never seemed to hit the sweet spot for me with the book and the character.

I think that might be changing. For me, one of the important things about super-heroes are secret identities. Don't give me any of that Marvel claptrap about how secret identities are outdated. Heck, even Marvel finally figured out they'd screwed up and retconned Spider-Man's secret identity back (following on the heels of Geoff Johns brilliant retcon of Wally's secret identity).

But nobody seemed to think that Supergirl needed a secret identity. Why couldn't she just be Supergirl all the time? Well, I think Sterling Gates is finally pointing out why that just doesn't work. Either for Kara or for the readers. I think comic readers need to see super-heroes in down to earth civilian identities.

Sure, not many of us can understand what it's like to be a multimillionaire or a reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper or a test pilot or a police scientist. But But those people still have to deal with things in a very different way from super-heroes. And it provides perspective.

So let me again congratulate DC, Sterling Gates, Jamal Igle, and Keith Champagne. It took thirty-four issues, but you're finally starting to get Supergirl right. And you got me to start buying the book.


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