WOW! I received my first Blog award from Kelli at A Rendez~Vous with Style

Thank you SO much Kelli, I am so touched and excited! If you haven't checked out Kelli's site, I really recommend it, it's oh so stylish! I just found my next shoe purchase from her blog!

Here are the rules for this award:
~ Mention the blog that gave you the award and comment on their blog to let them know that you have posted their award.
~ List 6 things you VALUE
~Lastly, pass the award onto 6 other friends!

Six Things I Value:
1.) My wonderful, beautiful, wouldn't trade them the world, Family~

2.) My always there for me, call anytime/any reason, laughing, crying, tell anything to, trustworthy, tried & true, friends~

This is a picture of my little Daisy, I couldn't find a picture of all of us or I would have put her in under family but she's a good friend too, the best!

3.) Nature & Simplicity in nature. I love that that the most beautiful things are free and out there for everybody to share, no matter your income, race, gender, beliefs, it's there, all we have to do is take the time out to appreciate the beauty in our lives.

4.) Travel~ I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to Travel to so many amazing and memorable places in this world. My Mom taught my brother & I from an early age to seize every opportunity, to enjoy life, and to pick up and go at a moments notice, passports in hand and airline or train tickets ready! She really gifted me with a love of travel, cultures, people, & trying new things! I love you Mom!

5.) Art~ I love & appreciate all forms of art. I'm not picky! I see the beauty of ones' self expression & envy their talent (I am in no way artistic)! I love that it documents a moment in time, history, a feeling, a state of mind. I love it & I feel it! From art on canvas, sculpture, decor, fashion, all of it mesmerizes me!
6.) Life~ I have a deep & profound respect & love of life! I guess I never really knew loss until I lost my mother (to cancer, she was very young). She was my best friend and such an incredible person. In my eyes she was perfection & I suppose I never really knew life until my son Justin was born. I get it now, how precious life is, what a miracle every single one of us is. Motherhood, it's an amazing process. From the first moment I saw his heart beating on the ultrasound, to the first time I felt him move, to the pure joy I felt when I first heard his little cry in the delivery room, to watching him sleep at night, and seeing him grow everyday! It's amazing! I treasure it.

That's my little man!

And, for the Six people I would like to pass this award on to because they are spectacular...
Flea Market Queen ~ I love her site & her shop!
Marie~Antoinettes Gossip Guide ~ I love the historical tidbits! So interesting & pretty too!
Marley & Lockyer ~ Her site is effortlessly glamorous & chic! Her designs in her Etsy shop even more glorious!
...and, I believe these next lovlies already received this award, however, they are my all time faves! These are three MUST destinations for one to visit!
French Essence ~ True beauty, style, & class. Vicki is an amazing woman with impeccable taste & decorum!
The Paris Apartment ~ It goes without saying that this is a spectacular place to dream for a while!
Fifi Flowers Design Decor ~ Just gorgeous! Fifi is having a sale on her incredible artwork! To own a work of art from her would be like owning a piece of heaven!
I'm going to cheat a bit & add one more!
Villa Anna ~ Because her site is irresistible! So wonderful!
Bisou Mon Amis!


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