I just had a delightful evening taking turns with my friends reading these "nursery rhymes" aloud! Let's me see if I can describe this book & make some sense at the same time :)
The rhymes are written in French and when you read them out loud they sound like familiar nursery rhymes in English but with a twist! So remarkably funny! I am now addicted and want the world to hear these! It is GENIUS!
Here are some examples:
Chacun Gille
Houer ne taupe de hile
Tot-fait, j'appelle au boiteur
Chaque fele dans un broc, est-ce crosne?
Un Gille qu'aime tant berline a fetard.
{That's Jack & Jill in English}
In French it's about a country bumpkin who discovers a seed
Here's another...
Lit-elle messe, moffette,
Satan ne te fete,
Et digne somme coeurs et nouez.
A longue qu'aime est-ce pailles d'Eure.
Et ne Satan bise ailleurs
Et ne fredonne messe. Mofette, ah, ouais!
{That's Little Miss Muffet in English}
In French it's about a girl who is being warned to keep her heart pure until marriage and warning her against the evils in the world.
My goodness I laughed so hard this evening! You MUST say these out loud to get the full effect. The jacket of the book describes it as "Frenchified Poetic high jinks and states, they are "t'on que en chic." I love it! I hope this is new to some of you, I have never seen or heard this before & I'm having so much fun with it. The book looks lovely on my shelf as well. They look to have been written in 1788 or before and are described as having a Gothic flavor to them. There are about 40 of the poems in the volume. Even the title is perfect...
"Mots D'Heures: Gousses, Rames. Perfection! I hope you have fun with these!
Bisou mon amis!


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