Are all Hollywood types evil robots from the future bent on the destruction of humankind's happiness? Are they vindictive artificial intelligences that power themselves on the disappointment of children? It seems that that may be so.

I was reading this little article about who Richard Donner thinks should do the next Superman movie. Now, my feelings on the Richard Donner Superman: The Movie I have made abundantly clear. I think that it's a mediocre, somewhat dated film treatment of the character that is held in far too much esteem by people today.

Unfortunately (but not surprisingly) Donner's choice for who should do the next Superman movie is one of those people -- his old assistant Geoff Johns. Now I like Geoff Johns as much as the next guy (and probably more). And he's done quite a few bang up things in his current Action run. That said, he's still far too beholden to his old boss's vision of Superman.

Back to my first point: evil movie executrons from the future. Superman may be a tricky character to get a handle on. But it should not be tricky to figure out what to do with him on the big screen. This is the era of big, blockbuster action films full of startling special effects. Look at the success of Iron Man and similar films. Why hasn't one of the executrons turned to another and said: "why don't we just make a movie that features Superman flying around and punching bad guys for an hour and a half?"

Because they are evil robots from the future. And it's not in their interest to see Braniac get his ass kicked on the silver screen. Plus, they run on the shattered dreams of children... And comic fans.

Good night.


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