DiDio! To you I level the following ultimatum: If my next appearance in comics is not written by Gail Simone you will be destroyed.

It is very simple, really. I have watched with increasing delight as the delightful Ms. Simone crafts exciting adventures for some of the most underused of my villainous compatriots. I myself know the terrible sting of being underused. And if Ms. Simone can do wonders with the likes of Catman and the always unintentionally hilarious Bane, imagine what she could do with me.

Just picture an appearance by yours truly in Secret Six. Imagine the scenarios possible when someone of my wit and charm is written by someone with the reputation of Ms. Simone. I will admit that even my powerful imagination is limited in this capacity. But I do know that it would be good.

So, Dan DiDio. Accede to my demands or be destroyed. If I do not appear in Secret Six by issue seven, you will regret the day you were born.

And to Ms. Simone: if you put me in the book I will send you flowers. Expensive ones. I am not above bribery...


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