Good Afternoon My Children. Den Mother Colleen has some motherly advice to dish out today. Its called the Cardinal Rule. What's that? The Cardinal Rule of Common Courtesy...and Respect.

Today, as usual, I was perusing the fantastic site that has led most of us to James's Blog, Topless Robot. Now generally I love this site unabashedly. It has great news regarding shit that only nerds would care about and shows us all the crazy crap Japan comes up with. My main issue is with the comments that are posted to the daily lists articles written by Rob and other authors, including James himself. Many people might disagree and give rational arguments as to why s/he doesn't agree with some details of the list or something left out. That's cool...that's part of free speech and open forums. What pisses me off are the assholes who attack the author themselves, or other commentors. Its fine to differ in opinion. That's what makes it opinions and not facts. But people are entitled to have their own opinions...even Sarah Palin. Now I think the woman's outlook is completely antithetical to EVERYTHING I believe in...but I'm not going to attack the woman as I don't know her. Its uncalled for. And it is also the lowest form of communication.

People please remember that those old cliches exist for a reason. Do unto others...and if you don't have anything nice to say...well at least find a way to say it in a fashion that is rational not combative. I'm a firm believer in common courtesy and respect. Its a shame that so many people seem to forget such basic rules. That's all.


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