Greetings, Turkey-Stuffed Ingrates My Friends!

So, not too many of you folks showed up to watch MST3K's Night of the Blood Beast (Turkey Day Edition) with me last night...That's OK....I see how it is....

Alright, I was gonna drag that weak jest out for awhile, but fuck it--it ain't that funny and I'm not in the least mad. It's totally cool--I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for all my marvelous contributors and discerning readers. Mazel Tov!

Right, then, as I said yesterday, since Rob is taking a well-deserved Turkey Day hiatus, TTOS will be filling the Fanfic void, soon as Abraxas gets here...

I also just saw something definitely nerd-newsworthy on Yahoo, and since Mr. Bricken isn't there for me to send it to (and Colleen hasn't beaten me to it) I see it as my responsibility, as a proud member of the made-up, self-appointed Nerd Press to report it to the peoples:

Dig This:

Now I've never played a Guitar Hero game and have no serious plans to do so in the future: But this story caught my attention as it appealed to my long-running distaste for Axl Rose-- the sweaty, obnoxious, wife-smacking mediocre-at-best lead singer of Guns 'N Roses.

The short version is Mr. Rose is suing Activision, makers of GH, to the tune of 20 million clams. Why? Because apparently he had an agreement with Activision that stated he would only allow them to use his song "Welcome To The Jungle" on GH3 if they promised to feature no songs by Velvet Revolver, current employers of the infinitely more talented guitarist who carried Rose for years: Slash.

It seems, for reasons that I've yet to care enough to uncover, that the two are now blood enemies.

Well, Activision not only features tunes by Slash and his new bandmates on GH3, they put him on the box cover, made him unofficial spokesman for the game, and even made him a playable Avatar in the game.

Axl was not pleased.

Now, why he's waited all this time to file this suit (GH3 was released three years ago!) is anyone's guess: My completely biased, unproffesional, subjesctive assessment is that Mr. Rose is a douchenozzle who hates joy and spits on all that is talented and good--anybody got any other ideas?

I'm not usually one to encourage judging a book by it's cover...But sometimes the cover tells you an awful lot about what's in that book. I'ma show you pics of the two men in question--you tell me which one's the douche:

Here's Axl...


Now here's Slash...

I'd say the boobs pictures speak for themselves. Now, the fair-minded among you might call this a smear campaign and complain how I picked the worst possible pic of Axl and the best possible pic of Slash, to which I resoundingly retort: So?

And I didn't just pick the above image of Slash because he happened to be posing with his smokin' hot wife, Perla Hudson (look around you--you really think I need an excuse to post pics of hot women?). I'm just of the opinion that her presence helps illustrate my point that Slash rocks your face off, and Axl is a bitter, cornrowed douche.

Don't you all feel informed? ;)

Scooter Cronkite


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