Did you think you were going to survive just 'cause TR didn't do FFF today?

LOL - mortals....

Bad news - my defense is Thursday; needless to say I did not have the time to write anything new D:

Good news - there may be nothing new, but I got plenty of old :D

And rather than clonk you over the head with just one large "FFF", I come with a cornucopia of evil....

Appetizer: How about a little INK-play between Spongebob and Squidward?

Entrée: Not to be outdone, Sokka is traumatized by an unspeakable secret when he uncovers THE STORY ABOUT THE SOCKS.

Main Course: Because it is the holiday of indulgence and maybe you want to gorge yourself with an extra helping heap of words, the only story inspired by TR itself - WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS? featuring such yummies as the Krabon (TM) and the first appearance of the parody "Bottomless Android" site.

Dessert: A ten year old oldie but goodie - an outrageous comedy I wrote about the Thundercats...the premise? What if MummRa decided to write his own fanfic? Oh my god, are you not feeling the Rob/Tron2 love? AND THEN THE MALE-


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