As of today I will try to manage two blogs… this one you are on right now and this one: .

As I’ve announced earlier I will be doing a blog on computer games in which I will even be giving away games from my own stash. Well the day is here, so check it out and spread the word.

I will use this blog for Tarot based articles and for venting any thoughts about life the universe and everything… in general and the other blog will be used for game-related stuff specifically. No doubt you are thinking the new blog will e the most interesting, you are off course wrong. Since this blog will be more personal this is the one to watch and the gaming blog is the one to advertise due to the giveaways and for the helping me get rich concept behind it all.

Seriously though, I will try to keep both blogs interesting… ;-)
Since this blog has not yet reached the 30 followers I so desired before doing the giveaway I am starting to get worried about your advertising skills. So... being the cool guy I am I will try and see if I can revise my rules a bit, more on that soon. Now go read the gaming blog...


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