I have discovered one of the best things about unemployment. Weekday Matinees. Why? Well lets put it this way. Harry Potter came out yesterday. Dad & I went to the 12:00 matinee. You know what we didn't have to deal with? Children. Cuz they were all in school. It was all adults and like ONE child only. And that one child was very well behaved. A true credit to his parents. In fact, the only irritation was some GROWN UP texting. It was quiet and there were no tweeners, teenagers, or kids to disrupt the movie. If you have the opportunity, see a new release during a weekday matinee. Dad & I do our best to see movies that way ourselves.

Oh and just so you know. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, part uno? Fantastic. Dark. Loved it. Ended at the perfect spot. According to the Husband, the Onion reviewer gave it a rather negative review. Have no idea why. Dad & I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. But IT IS DARK.
That was about how many people were in the theater at the 12:00pm showing of Harry Potter yesterday. Minus the children. So yeah! Go to a matinee, its cheaper and less annoying people!


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