I don’t mean to be a whiny bitch…. But sometimes it just happens. So here you have a small blog type thingy with little more to read then me complaining about things you can do f**k-all about. In the Netherlands we call this “het is zo’n dag” which translates as, it’s such a day. Roughly the same as “one of those days”.

Around me a lot of things are happening some cool, some less cool but many of them hold interesting possibilities for me. It’s weird though, how having options can be depressing. Let me explain… but before that here is a non-Organ player…

I am good in a lot of things, I can do some drawing and painting, I am an okay poet, sometimes I manage to make music without being too annoying and I am a reasonable mental coach. There are more talents I have, but these are examples for the sake of argument. However… I excel in none of my talents, I am above average in most but exceptional in none. I blame that on there being simply too many options for me. Because, there are many different ways for me to express myself and make use of my talents I have too little time to develop one of them to it’s maximum potential.

Being confronted with this a lot lately I have this terrible feeling of “meh”… so meh.


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