Inspiration, an interesting concept and a necessity for tarot. I have learned that inspiration is vital for good tarot readings simply because you need the “spark” to start of a good session, but there’s more. When you do a reading and place the cards on the table, a story unfolds. How that story is told depends on the reader. That reader, going on intuition to a certain extend, is heavily influenced by such things as his surroundings, recently read books, music, movies and much more. Some things influence more then others and this may shift from person to person. I have found that for me anything can be such an influence, but especially music has a strong influence on me.

That influence, to some extend, I believe is what sparks “inspiration” . Having realized that some time ago I have also learned how you can “manipulate” yourself by choosing certain kinds of music. At least off course to some extend. When I have a customer that requires a somewhat more sensitive approach I tend to play calm music, maybe a ballad or something, “Where the wild roses grow” by Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue works like a charm. When I do a reading that requires more mystique I like to play Blue Oyster Cult, “Astronomy” or “Don’t fear the reaper”. Also I’ve learned that some music I love is not suitable as inspiration for reading, either classical music ( Love Russian Composers, Korsakov, Mussorsky etc.) or death metal seem to cause unsettling readings and musical songs and folk-metal, my favorite genres make me “bouncy” for lack of a better word and even though I am very cheery, reading is hard simply because I can’t seem to quiet down enough.

I tend to listen to this music before I do a reading, not during. During a reading I usually have nothing playing, would be pretty useless my constant talking would drown out any other sound….

So apparently this is now a legal issue.

Here is a link to the NY Post article.

So what do we think?

I understand (but don't agree) that the guys feel this is a macho thing but do women really want to be seen with a guy wearing their pants like this?

Isn't it so refreshing to see a sixteen year-old dressed like this?

I didn't immediately know if I wanted to take this shot. While I was deciding I thought about my own daughters and realized it would be nice for them to see a young lady ,that is obviously very cool, dressed like this instead of the constant media parade of Britneys and Lindsays. This is the anti-"Jersey Shore" (I mean the show not the actual place)

Fabrizio is one of the few men I know that can pull-off a club collar shirt. On him it looks so normal.

I also love the military tie-tuck, that's something we just don't see enough of these days

Bonjour Friends, or should I say Hola!?! I wanted to share this little decadent treat with you today. Theurel & Thomas is a beautiful and visually stunning little French macaron shop in Mexico! That's right, Mexicos first macaron shop is located in the ritzy suburb of San Pedro.
I'm not quite sure if my mouth is watering over the decor or the little must be both.

All of the interiors and branding were done by Anagrama. I love the stark White decor that contrasts and showcases the macarons.  

Just gorgeous!

I could find some bliss in an office like this one...again, not sure if it's the decor or the macarons...

I am tempted to start filling lovely White vessels with macarons and adding them as decorative accents in my home, everywhere in my home!

Enjoy your week!

All images via Anagrama

Here it is, today’s blog.

First, Sunday I did the draw for the free online reading. Out of three followers who requested Paula Cardoso was drawn. She will be contacted regarding the question she wants the reading on.

Just for fun I had the lady who owns the shop where I do my readings do an interview with me and here it is:

1: Who in the Magicians name is Sidney Tuttel van Dorst and why would a Celt even bother to do tarot and not runes?

Because I read and write runes and I am very interested in their history I regard runes as letters, as they were intended. Reading runes to me comes across as picking scrabble letters for divination. I do however use runes for spiritual tattoo designs and such.

2: Were you born a tarotist or did you decide to become one later?

Well I started when I was thirteen, that’s the short answer. I can safely say that the esoteric, the occult and supernatural has been an interest of mine for as long as I can remember. I have explored other forms of divination like i-tjing, runes and all kinds of oracles but tarot was the only one that made sense to me, oddly enough because it is just as valuable without the mystique and spirituality as it is with all the mojo and hocus pocus added to it.

3: What do you see in the cards and do you tell everything you see or are you being polite sometimes?

The cards have their meaning, the position they’re in have their meaning and the cards influence each others meaning. A card can mean “this” but another cards meaning may shift card A’s traditional meaning or add information to it. Other then the “standard” meaning, many cards have subtle extra information or may even have certain concepts related to them ( moon – lunacy… justice – police ). There is also a “layer” of information that enters on another level, hinting of extra information enriching the cards on the table. When I read for customers I am very careful what information I share. I rarely share the more intuitive information because I do not see myself as a fortune-teller, though I do sometimes try to gain more information in the direction my intuition takes me. The info I give is usually tailored to the person in front of me and in general I keep it related to the question of the reader. If I do “see” more I rarely just share it, mostly I try to gain insight whether the info is needed and wanted.

4: What is your favorite deck and why, and when can we expect your own handmade deck?

The Shadowscapes Tarot because it is so beautiful, Crowley Toth for myself and Rider Waite for my customers. I have many decks I love to death, but these are the ones at the top of my list. I have been busy designing my own deck since years but so far nothing useful has come of it. I will one day start over and make a serious deck.

5: Does drinking whisky make you think more clear?

More clear no, far from it. However I have noticed that when there is a limited amount of alcohol involved it becomes much easier to rely on intuition and a certain “flow” starts to form. When push comes to shove I prefer a reading after, or better yet during enjoying a good single malt Islay whiskey.

Gucci is pleased to announce that the injunctive proceeding filed in Florence in June against the unauthorized use of the mark Elisabetta Gucci made by Mr. Ziller, Formitalia S.r.l., Mirabili S.r.l. and Formitalia Group S.p.A. was decided in its favour.

According to the court's order, all the counterparts have to immediately cease any use of the mark at issue as well as of the domain name “Elisabetta Gucci” for any business or advertising purpose. The court furthermore imposed a penalty for any possible violation of its order, awarded Gucci legal fees and ordered the publication of the interim decision in two newspapers and a magazine.

Gucci welcomes this decision, which represents a relevant precedent in terms of intellectual property protection and will hopefully act as a significant deterrent for those who intend to unlawfully license or commercially exploit the Gucci trademarks.

Use of the mark Elisabetta Gucci by the above mentioned parties has caused customer confusion and has been harmful to Gucci’s business and well-known reputation. Gucci will always act vigorously against product counterfeiting or intellectual property infringements.

Gucci does not intend to let the power of its brand be diluted by counterfeiting or intellectual property infringements. The Florentine House is fully committed to maintain and protect its intellectual property rights throughout the world in order to ensure that its unique heritage be strongly preserved and fully respected.

And now, our voyage into the nightmarish underworld of the fanfic writer continues...

(Example Specimen:

I have come to know this particular species very well as it thrives in the environs of Fan Fiction Friday. It has adapted itself so well to this habitat for two reasons: 1. Rob Bricken is an evil, evil man and 2. Topless Roboteers constantly urge Mr. Bricken to feature the darkest, most repellent, most soul-rendingly horrific works on FFF, and he is more than happy to oblige(see reason #1).

Unlike its cousins, the aforementioned Little Scamp and Shock-Jock, The Nihilist isn't interested in provoking his audience--truth be told, I'm not certain who or what The Nihilist's audience is supposed to be. What I do know is his work is not simply shocking or perverted or disgusting--The Nihilist seems to draw his purpose and inspiration from a deep and powerful hatred of all that is good, pleasant, innocent, and positive in the universe. Destruction of anything that affirms life or gives purpose to existence is his only goal.

Overly dramatic, you say? Pompous hyperbole or histrionics, perhaps? That's what the examples are for--click the link, take a gander at "The Pokemon Story". See if you can come up with any other possible motivation for writing such a thing. In fact, this is definitely a species you need to actually observe in nature to truly appreciate. I cannot do it justice, and to be absolutely honest, I don't really want to know why this creature does what it does.

More later, I need to pace myself when it comes to fanfic.

I was hoping to find something a bit more nerdy or clever--but this is just too damn cute!

Have a wonderful(belated)birthday,
