Curse the holidays and all their delicious treats! I've been in a food induced coma for what feels like weeks now. Has it been weeks? It may be; I do not know for certain.

Now, tomorrow is comic book day so I think I'm going to mention a few things about the comics that come out tomorrow. Keep in mind that this post will be mercilessly short; I've got deadlines coming up for the end of the semester and I need my sleep.

Action Comics Annual #13. As far as I'm concerned this is the book that's coming out tomorrow. Have you been reading Paul Cornell's Lex Luthor opus in the pages of Action? You should be; it's fantastically entertaining stuff and is the best of the best of what super-hero comics can be.

The Action Comics Annual should follow in the same tradition. We'll be seeing a Luthor (in this case a young Luthor) going up against some of the DCU's most famous villains. In this case, serious heavy-hitters who have opposed Batman and Superman.

Lex vs. Darkseid and Lex vs. Ra's al Ghul. I mean, what else is there to say? How could that not be tremendously entertaining? These are villains that are supposed to be some of the cream of the crop of their respective enemies' rogues' galleries. But really, are Darkseid and Ra's al Ghul really all that impressive as villains? Perhaps it is necessary to see how they go up against the greatest enemy of the world's greatest super-hero.

In some ways, I pity Darkseid and Ra's. We know that both of them will be unimpressed; they'll think Luthor a mere mortal and beneath their notice (keep in mind that this is before either of them has met Batman or Superman). Perhaps their encounters with Lex Luthor will teach them something they otherwise won't experience until they encounter their arch-enemies.

Darkseid and Ra's al Ghul are going to lose. And if everything goes as I expect it they'll lose bad. What could be more fitting?

Hello Children. Your den Mother Colleen has been watching the Angel episode "Time Bomb" today...and was reminded why Illyria is SO MUCH MUCH more awesome than Fred... I tried to find the exact scene on youtube but with no luck. So I found the episode transcript and here is the dialogue from the scene that shows why Illyria is so fucking awesome. So that you will understand here's the set-up. Illyria's powers are too great for Fred's body to handle. She's gonna explode. And she keeps popping up in different segments of the episode. Although we don't see it from her perspective, its a more or less ground-hog day scenario for her. Wesley comes up with a way to draw the power out of her, but she thinks it will kill she kills him, along with Lorne, Spike, and Angel...and then is sent back to a previous moment in the episode. She and Angel have a confrontation and when she is pulled into ANOTHER section of time, she takes Angel with her...until they get to the point right after she has killed 80% of the main cast...

(circling the bodies)
These are the fruits of your attempt to murder me. Your kingdom turned to ash and stale wind.
(sticks her battle-axe into the floor, looks at Angel, cocking her head defiantly)
I slew the white-haired one first.

This can't be.

(picks up the axe again)
And then Wesley, as he raised his weapon... and your demon clown as he wilted in terror.

And I'm next.

No, vampire.
(throws her axe into a pile of dust that used to be Angel)
You were last.


You know nothing of this. You're from an earlier point in the time line. You are a paradox. You're impossible.

We attacked you.

I didn't give you the chance. That you learn when you become a king.
(doubles over, holding her head)
(gasping, pacing, circling Angel)
You learn to destroy everything that's not utterly yours. All that matters is victory. That's how your reign persists. You're a slave to an insane construct. You are moral. A true ruler is as moral as a hurricane, empty but for the force of his gale.
(groans, doubles over, holding her head)
(gasping, pacing, circling Angel)
But you... trapped in the web of the Wolf, the Ram, the Hart. So much power here, and you quibble at its price.
(looking Angel in the eyes)
If you want to win a war, you must serve no master but your ambition.

HANDS DOWN! Best fucking lines of the entire fucking season. Not to mention its THIS exchange that teaches Angel how to take on Wolfram and Hart. That's all


--- In, shyperson29 shyperson29 <shyperson29@...> wrote:
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--- In, shyperson29 shyperson29 <shyperson29@...> wrote:
> <>
>i dont even know who this is

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--- In, shyperson29 shyperson29 <shyperson29@...> wrote:
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--- In, Sky Star <amir.sohail89@...> wrote:
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Okay, I sorta didn’t want to post a blog like this at first because it might come across as negative, which is in no sense my intention… quite the opposite actually. So before you get angry keep in mind, best intentions and I am not an American so my view on things is a little different.

Here’s how I get all that’s going on during Thanksgiving and how I as a Dutchman perceive it.

In North America, later the united states, the early colonists gave the original inhabitants hell. Bringing all kinds of nastiness and enforcing their own believe system. Since many of the pioneers were Dutch I claim the right of critical tone here… Anyway, we stole some of their land, killed some of them because they didn’t want to be “educated” and then made them foreigners in their own land. So far I think we all agree on history. But somewhere along the line came a story of sharing food and gaining some understanding, which didn’t stop anyone being all round nasty to the natives in any way BTW.

(pic. A layout of a Dutch (or like a Dutch) slave trader vessel and how to transport as many African slaves as possible)

After a few hundred years people celebrate this whole event by eating turkey, thanking God for stuff and watching American Football and a Parade.

The Netherlands, being responsible for quite a lot of the pioneers has had a lot of things to be proud of in its history. Being responsible for filling a lot of blank space in early seafaring maps, claiming land back from the sea and being a industrial giant internationally while being one of the smallest countries are among them. However being one of the larger slave trader countries, claiming South Africa and instating “Apartheid” (A Dutch word) and being all round nasties all over the globe for quite some time with the VOC (Unites East-Indian Trading Company) are more of the wish-we-hadn’t-done-that category… however…. We don’t celebrate that. Bad time in history no need to celebrate, seems logic right? Which brings me to the part I don’t get, doesn’t having a celebration linked to a part of history you can’t be proud leave a bitter after taste? Or Am I seeing things completely wrong here?

Then there’s the thankful part. I am proud of the things I have achieved in life. Through blood, sweat and tears I have managed to get my life on track and heading in a progressive direction. The job I have, the way I’m raising my son, the house I live in and the relationship I am in, are all things I put effort in, worked for and made sacrifices for. Being thankful implies there’s is someone else to be thankful towards for fixing shit for me… God? I am sorry my dear Christian friends out there, but I don’t buy that and quite frankly neither should you. Ever since we got kicked from Eden we have had to manage on our own, that’s almost the whole point in hits exercise we call life. Everything you have achieved you should be proud of, not thankful for, you did the work, you take the credit.

So celebrating messing with the Injuns, giving the almighty all the creds for all you ever done and heading for a heart attack and high cholesterol by stuffing yourself as well as the turkey to me seems like a weird celebration… explain?

Interesting fact, historically the celebration may very well have been inspired by the Dutch celebration of the Leids Liberation from the Spanjards.


After one week and a total of 21 votes, the controversy that has captured the imagination of the entire international community has been put, at last, to rest!

Short-haired Emma has emerged victorious by 3 votes--winning the hearts and minds of 12 out of 21 TTOS readers.

Long-haired Emma had a strong showing with 9 votes, but never picked up the momentum necessary for victory, and remained in second place throughout the course of the Poll.

So there--Question answered! Short Hair + Emma Watson=Better! It's Scientific!!

I feel so much better now--how 'bout you?

Anyhoo, here's a couple of celebratory images of Ms. Watson and her proven superior hairstyle:

(P.S. TTOS would like to apologize for a grievous error commited in the last Emma Watson post: the bikini pic has been determined to be a well-crafted fake. We apologize sincerely for any confusion, shame, or discomfort this information may cause our readers--and we vow to be more vigilant in the future. Thank you for your patronage!)

Scoot Needs Sleep!