Happy Friday, Taoists of Scoot! Boredlizzie is here to spread the jelly of happiness over the toast of despair! Or something like that. (Note to self: Avoid metaphors after reading Fan Fiction Friday.) We are in need of Happy-Making, so I thought I’d share something truly amazing that I found: pictures of a child's GI Joe-themed party over at Comics Alliance

We’ve all seen party entertainers in, well, slightly lackluster superhero or cartoon character costumes, putting on some kind of show, but this goes above and beyond all that. These folks aren’t messing around. You want a GI Joe party? BAM! Cobra Commander, Duke, and Snake Eyes are there to make your dreams come true, along with two comely ladies dressed as Scarlett and Baroness (who swordfight each other! That’s better than cake!!). Not into the Joe? That’s fine, they also have Batman and Spider-Man, an impressive roster of Star Wars characters, and Star Trek (though I dunno if I’d let that guy who plays McCoy around children). From this point on, I will regard mere bounce-houses and balloons with contempt. No cake will earn my admiration unless there is a Batman or an Indiana Jones hiding in it.

After witnessing the sheer undiluted sweetness that is a birthday party thrown by Best Party Ever, I think we nerds must carefully consider what exact, specific elements would combine to form The ULTIMATE NERD PARTY. So post a comment that describes what your ultimate nerd party might be. (Or don't! This is just for funsies over the weekend.) I’m talkin’ no-holds-barred, free-to-speculate insanity from our imaginations. It could even be Ultimate Nerd Bachelor/Bachelorette Party if you like! I think we all could do with some cheering up here, so go nuts. (Also, the TR contest kind of sucks this week, and this idea is way more fun. Search your hearts; you know it to be true!)

Also, this is for Scoot:


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