Greetings, followers of Tao of Scoot! Topless Robot commenter and Lizzie Borden enthusiast Boredlizzie reporting for duty! You may be wondering why I'm here, or why you're here on this planet. Well, I'm here because I was asked, and because the amount of nerd in my personal journal has been increasing at an alarming rate. As for why you're here on this planet: 42. I'm a short, older dame with a background in English, creative writing, and education. So I'm pretty useless at the moment! But I can list, rant, and review for your entertainment! HUZZAH! (Also note that I'm new to Blogger, so let me know of the special brand of fail that is sure to come my way as I post! Thanks!) Now, I have a slightly controversial article cooking, but I figured I'd start out with something fairly innocuous: a nerdy craft!

MST3K Lunchbox

How to make:

1) Go to a cheap-ass thrift store and buy a lunch box. Never mind if lunchbox has lame logos over it, you'll be covering it up!

2) Beg, buy, steal, acquire Mod Podge (look in the glue/adhesives sections of any craft store). Or you can make your own by mixing equal parts white glue & water.

3) Get some groovy images of MST3K over the tubes and print them out.

4) Cut out and apply Mod Podge to the back of your pictures with a foam brush. Put them on carefully and press them down firmly so they don't wrinkle up. You don't want to ruin Joel's pleasant childlike visage! (Or Mike's gianormous meaty head, if you swing that way.)

5) Apply Mod Podge over the surfaces of the images slowly and carefully. Use a dabbing motion to avoid smearing images. Dab, Dab!

6) Let Mod Podge dry and apply another layer. You'll want to apply several more layers, but only after the previous one has dried! The more layers, the longer the pictures will stick around.

7) . . .

8) PROFIT! (If by "profit" you mean "A bitchin'-looking lunchbox that can safely house snacks, art supplies, or human organs of your choice!" Caution: Will not keep human organs fresh.)

That's all I've got for now! Go out & carpe your diem! Or at least a sandwich.


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