I care very little about the "Legion of Super-Heroes." Though I do have a history with one of their villains, I am generally uninterested in their affairs. Despite this, we do have a hidden connection of which you may be unaware. Indeed, you may be surprised to learn that "Cosmic Boy" is my descendant!

This should really come as know surprise. After all, how likely is it for a race of people identical to humans in every visible way to evolve awesome magnetic powers without some sort of outside influence. Indeed, I speculate that the entire population of the planet "Braal" is in fact descended from one shining example of magnetic prowess: Doctor Polaris.

It is impossible to say when this momentous magnetic colonization took place. But undoubtedly it occurs at some point between the present and the year 3011. Imagine: an entire planet of those wielding the same powers as my own!

It disgusts me. Indeed, if Cosmic Boy and his ilk are indeed my descendants then I am sorely disappointed. Such power and they have not once used it for personal gain! There should be an empire stretching across the stars -- a Magnetic Empire dedicated to Doctor Polaris!

Instead Cosmic Boy gallivants about playing "super-hero." I am ashamed. I suppose I will have to take some solace in the fact that at least he wears purple...


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