So as some of you know, I decided to make a Silk Spectre 1 costume for Hallowe'en this year. I like Sally Jupiter's costume better than Laurie's because, well, not brave enough to wear vinyl. I think her costume in the comic is a little meh (the both of them) but the pin-up styled SS1 from the movie was something I could pull off.

I want to say a couple things about the costume;

First off, I know it's not exact. I'm not much of a sewer, nor did I feel like making a lot of the costume from scratch. I wanted to use what I had here at home, or would be minimal cost. I was inspired to make this costume in the first place based on the bright yellow sik dress my mom had laying around.

I know the hair isn't the greatest. Neither my friend or I are good with styling hair, but after 2 hours of fussing with it, we decided it was good enough.

I made this costume out of very simple things:
A silk yellow dress
Black ribbon
Black gloves
Fishnet tights
A black wide belt
Tall black boots

As I said, it's not 100% accurate, but I was recognizable by the crowd attending the party. After the party, I heard that another person, who became sick just before the aprty, was planning as coming as Sally Jupiter as well, but she was going to buy her costume online. Kind of glad she didn't, because I was hoping to be original haha.

Pictures after the jump!

Just before the aprty, with pristine make up. I chose to wear fake eyelashes and they were murder!

The full getup. According to picture stills from the movie and the comic, she only wore one glove. Not sure why and probably will never know!

My friend Rob (who looks dumb in this picture because I think he was talking haha) and I won best costumes because of the work we put into them. He sewed the jedi robes out a bed sheet and made the tunic himself! We won those nifty glasses.

Another glam shot.

A close up of the hair to show the victory rolls. They didn't lift as high as I wanted them too, but oh well! Next time I guess!

The side of hairdo.

These were taken at the end of the night. At the end, we decided to just curl the ends and be done with it!

Overall, I was happy with the reaction I got with this costume. It was nice to be recognized for my hard work, since a lot of the other costumes were store bought. There were two french maids at the party, bleagh.


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